Who Should Become Youth Certified?
Our youth deserve to feel safe, to have positive relationships and experiences whether at home, school or at play.
- Anyone over the age of 18 can become Youth Certified.
- We expect all youth service providers to become Youth Certified
- We encourage anyone who connects with youth to become Youth Certified
4 Steps to Certification
Complete Respect in Sport Activity Leader or Respect in School online program
Download and Fill out a Youth Certified Application Form
From your local RCMP detachment you must obtain:
- Criminal Record Check
- Vulnerable Sector Check
City of Swift Current residents
City of Swift Current RCMP do not charge for record checks if you are a applying for a Safe Places card. You can complete the record checks at the same time as submitting your other paperwork for Safe Places.
Rural residents
You are required to get a volunteer letter from your organization to waive fees for record checks.
Charges are applied for fingerprinting – individuals must pay this fee via money order or by certified check only. (no cash, personal check or credit cards are accepted)
If you have been informed that Safe Places / or your own organization will cover the fees for fingerprinting this is through REIMBURSEMENT Individuals must personally pay for the transaction and provide a receipt for reimbursement.
Criminal record checks can only be provided to U18’s for government employment / positions.
No vulnerable sector checks can be performed
No record checks can be provided to others.

Submit to Swift Current RCMP Detachment:
- Respect Group Certificate
(or a copy of your new expiry date from importing a previous certificate) - Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector Checks
(Swift residents can complete the paperwork at the detachment) - 2 pieces of Government issue I.D
- Completed Safe Places Application Form
(also available at the Swift Current detachment)